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Healthy Living
June 10, 2021

Reasons to Prioritize Hydration During Men’s Health Month

Each year, millions of people experience concerns related to their mental health and are looking for ways to help ease related symptoms. Luckily, new approaches to tackling these symptoms have been uncovered. For example, one influencing factor on mental health is dehydration.

Water is an essential part in maintaining a healthy body and mind. Since the average brain is made up of 73% water, it cannot properly operate if a person does not sufficiently hydrate. May is Mental Health Awareness Month and we want to emphasize the importance of proper hydration and how it directly affects your mind and body.

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water and mental health
Healthy Living
May 26, 2021

Why Staying Hydrated is Essential to Mental Health

Each year, millions of people experience concerns related to their mental health and are looking for ways to help ease related symptoms. Luckily, new approaches to tackling these symptoms have been uncovered. For example, one influencing factor on mental health is dehydration.

Water is an essential part in maintaining a healthy body and mind. Since the average brain is made up of 73% water, it cannot properly operate if a person does not sufficiently hydrate. May is Mental Health Awareness Month and we want to emphasize the importance of proper hydration and how it directly affects your mind and body.

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healthy hair
Healthy Living
December 20, 2018

Why Water is Key for a Healthy Head of Hair

Are you experiencing dry, brittle hair? Or even hair thinning or dandruff? This could be due to lack of water intake. Water is like the oil that runs the machine that is the human body. As water aids body functioning,...

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