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Healthy Living
June 23, 2021

How to Celebrate National Hydration Day with Absopure

Every year on June 23, the U.S. celebrates National Hydration Day, a holiday that reminds us how important it is to stay hydrated! This special day was established in honor of the late football coach Victor Hawkins, inventor of the hydrating mouthguard, FuelGuard.

In celebration of Coach Hawkins’ commitment to keeping athletes hydrated, and to help raise awareness about the importance of hydration, here are a few ways you can participate in National Hydration Day with Absopure.

Hydrate Throughout the Day

Keeping track of your water intake has never been easier! Whether you use a hydration app, set alarms on your phone or go back to the basics and write post-it note reminders, staying hydrated throughout the day is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If setting reminders isn’t your go-to, try keeping a bottle of Absopure’s Purified Drinking Water nearby, and you’ll be on the road to routine hydration.

Avoid Dehydration with Infused Water

Get the best of both worlds with infused water! Try kicking things up a notch today by adding refreshing ingredients like fresh fruit to a pitcher of Absopure’s All-Natural Spring Water. With mix-ins like lemon wedges, cucumber slices, mint and more, you can get creative with your water and feel refreshed all in one. These flavorful additions provide countless nutritional benefits and a unique flavor, helping motivate you to drink more.

Eat Water-Rich Foods

Drinking water isn’t the only way you can increase your water intake. Countless fruits and veggies, such as watermelon, cucumber, strawberries and celery, have a high water content of over 90%. These delicious foods are perfect for a quick snack or, on a hot summer day, when blended into a smoothie! Stock up on your favorites at your local grocery store or farmers’ market and reap the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Spread the Word

What better day is there to share your water knowledge with the world? From reminding your family and friends about the importance of staying hydrated to suggesting they sign up for Absopure’s Home Delivery Services, there are plenty of ways to spread the word this National Hydration Day. Words of encouragement could be the simple gesture your loved ones need to make healthier choices in their lives.

How are you celebrating National Hydration Day? Let us know in the comments below, and remember to stay hydrated with Absopure Water!
