
4 Perks of Office Refreshment Services in the Winter
Happy, hydrated and caffeinated employees start with trusted and reliable office refreshment services, especially during the winter. Your employees, who have braved the wind, ice and snow, look forward to sipping a hot cup of coffee when they get to the office. Or, maybe they’re sticking to their healthy goals in the new year and want a crisp, refreshing glass of water.
Absopure’s Office Refreshment Services offer customizable options to help boost morale and productivity. Here are a few perks to keeping your office hydrated and caffeinated in the winter.
Stay Hydrated in Cold, Dry Weather
Drinking a glass of water in the winter can often feel like a chore. Sometimes it’s difficult to enjoy the refreshing beverage when the temperatures outside are freezing. Nevertheless, staying hydrated in the winter is crucial if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Compared to the warmer seasons, winter air is much more dry and harsh. It’s important to increase your fluid intake to help fight winter dryness. With Absopure’s Office Refreshment Services, your employees will have access to refreshing water so they stay hydrated and healthy during the cold winter months. Drinking plenty of water in the winter will also help your team stay in good health because staying hydrated helps promote a healthy immune system during cold and flu season.
Boost Morale and Productivity
Most people will claim they can’t live without water and coffee. The two beverages keep the office engine running. But what happens when the source of hydration and caffeine run out? Your team’s productivity fizzles! Boost morale and productivity by letting us fill your glasses and mugs with our Office Refreshment Services. Drinking water helps keep you naturally energized and mentally sharp throughout the day, while coffee gives the extra boost of caffeine-fueled productivity. What’s not to love?
Keep Warm and Caffeinated
There’s arguably nothing worse than being cold in the winter, other than being cold and tired during the frigid winter months! Perk up your office with our office coffee delivery services. Whether your employees prefer coffee by the cup or by the pot, we have a solution for everyone. Choose from over 70 varieties of K-Cups, or one of our six outstanding blends of Absopure Premium Coffees. Fill up that cup of coffee a second (or third!) time to stay warm, caffeinated and productive in the winter.
Stick to Your Healthy Goals
For many of us, the winter months after the New Year are filled with healthy lifestyle goals. Drinking water and staying properly hydrated is the easiest way to improve your overall wellness year round. Help your employees maintain their goals by providing access to refreshing water—the healthiest beverage option. Like our coffee, we have customizable options for every business, from water coolers to bottled water by the case and more.
Help keep yourself and your employees happy and healthy with a variety of delicious beverage choices delivered right to you! Sign up for a FREE Absopure Coffee Service trial today!