
4 Nutrition Tips To Consider: Eating and Drinking for Energy
Regardless of whether your goal is to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle, what you eat and drink plays a huge role. Cutting out junk food is the cornerstone of many diet plans, but not all calories are created equal.
If you want to make a more meaningful and sustainable impact on your nutrition habits, think more in terms of what you eat, and when. The goal should be to maximize your energy levels throughout the day, boosting your metabolism and improving your vitality.
Eating and drinking for energy is about creating a positive mindset, rather than depriving yourself of foods that you enjoy. Getting started with an energy-focused diet plan is as easy as following these four tips:
- Jumpstart Your Day with Protein – When they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, they aren’t kidding. Recent medical research indicates that starting your day off with 30 grams of protein keeps your body feeling energized while curbing the desire to snack or over-consume during other meals. A breakfast rich in protein helps your body work harder to burn fat while helping regulate spikes in blood sugar that can cause sudden hunger.
- Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals – Instead of the traditional three square meals a day, consider eating smaller meals more frequently. While nutrition experts still debate the impact this strategy has on your metabolism, spreading your calorie consumption out does have some positive benefits. For instance, smaller and more frequent meals reduce your tendency to overeat, which helps maintain consistent blood sugar levels. Smaller meals can also encourage better food choices and lead to better overall nutrition.
- Pair the Right Foods Together – When it comes to proper nutrition, you never want to put all of your eggs in one basket. Meaning, you should make sure you have a well-rounded diet, complete with healthy carbs, fats, produce and protein. Dr. Cynthia Sass, food blogger for Health Magazine, recommends a meal formula that includes a fruit or vegetable, a whole grain, lean protein and a plant-based fat. Balance is the key to maintaining a healthy body.
- Stay Hydrated – What you drink is just as important as what you eat. Drinking large amounts of caffeine or sugary drinks can cause energy spikes that may leave you feeling tired and unsatisfied. Drinking water throughout the day can help regulate your metabolism, helping you feel fuller for longer. If you feel hungry, try drinking a glass of water. Sometimes your body can’t tell the difference between hunger and dehydration.
By keeping your body properly fueled throughout the day, you’ll spend less time thinking about the foods you can’t eat and more time enjoying the benefits of higher and more sustained energy levels.
Have any nutrition tips for keeping your energy levels up throughout the day? Tell us what you eat and when by leaving a comment below!